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Submarine optical cable will become another profit point in the optical cable industry

Time:2020-07-31 Views:1310
As an important means of international communication, submarine optical cable has undertaken more than 90% of international communication business, is the main carrier of global information and communication, and is also a new high-profit growth point for my country‘s optical fiber enterprises. Due to the particularity of the submarine environment, submarine optical cables must have wear resistance and corrosion resistance, and need to withstand several tons of tension during laying. At present, only a few domestic enterprises can produce submarine optical cables.
    Compared with terrestrial fiber optic cables, submarine fiber optic cables have many advantages: First, they do not need to dig tunnels or support by brackets, so the investment is low and the construction speed is fast; second, except for landing areas, most of the fiber optic cables are on the seabed at a certain depth. Due to the destruction of the natural environment such as wind and waves and the interference of human production activities, the optical cable is safe and stable, has strong anti-interference ability and good confidentiality performance.
    Previously, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the "Vision and Actions for Promoting the Joint Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road" to promote the construction of cross-border optical cables and other communication backbone networks, and improve international communication interconnection The level of interoperability has become the key cooperation content. Among them, the promotion of the construction of the communication backbone network clearly proposes to "accelerate the construction of bilateral cross-border optical cables and plan the construction of intercontinental submarine optical cable projects", emphasizing the important role of submarine optical cables in smooth trade.
    There are indications that many manufacturers are already organizing the development and production of submarine optical cables. I believe that the submarine optical cable market will enter another scene in the near future.